One of my motivations for starting this site was to create Biblically-accurate, easy-to-use, and helpful Bible materials and printables for teaching the Bible to kids. As a Christian mother and Bible class teacher, I think it is important that even from a very young age my children understand that the things we teach them about God come directly from the Bible. I created these Daily Bible Reading Plans for kids specifically for that purpose: to get kids reading and thinking about the Bible on a daily basis.
In 2 Timothy 3:14-15 the inspired apostle Paul writes that Timothy had known the Holy Scriptures from childhood, and that the scriptures were able to make him wise unto salvation. It is important for me to teach my children about God’s Word, and to respect God’s authority and will given through the Bible. As a parent, I have a great opportunity to lay a foundation of love for God and His Word in my children’s lives. Laying that foundation begins by teaching them what God’s Word says. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Paul goes onto write how scripture was given to us, and what scripture is profitable for:
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV)
Each Daily Bible Reading Plan includes a one-page overview of the entire 30-day plan (along with boxes to mark your children’s progress), as well as a study guide with two questions from each day’s passage. The questions in the study guide are not difficult, but should provide your children an opportunity to think about what they have just read.

Examples of How to Use the 30 Day Bible Reading Plan for Kids
There are many different ways that you could use the daily Bible reading plan with your kids (or even Bible class students). I’ve included just a few ways that you can incorporate these plans with own family.
How to Use the Daily Bible Reading Plan with Children of Different Ages
Read each day’s passage to your children. Ask your children the questions in the included study guide.
Beginning Readers
Help your children look up each day’s passage in a Bible, and then read each passage with them. The passages are short enough to provide valuable practice and exposure to reading the Bible without being overly burdensome, even for beginning readers. Work through the study guide questions with your children, and have them write down their answers in the study guide.
Older Children
Older children should be able to complete each day’s reading, as well as the study guide questions on their own.
How to Use the Daily Bible Reading Plan During Family Bible Time
After gathering together, have any children who can read find the daily passage. Then, have the children take turns reading the verses out loud to the family. Finally, use the study guide questions to discuss the passage together as a family.
What Bible Versions Should I Use with My Children?
I recommend using the New King James Version, the English Standard Version, or the New American Standard Version. These versions are written, generally, with modern English, and are translated as word-for-word translations (rather than as paraphrase or thought-for-thought translations). I personally do not recommend easier-to-read children’s versions, although I am sure there may be good versions available. Even as beginning readers my children have been able to read from a regular version (for us, the New King James Version), so I felt no need to utilize the simplified children’s versions. Of course, there will be words that children need help with as they read, but I think it is good practice for them to learn these words through reading the Bible.
Daily Bible Reading Plans for Kids
This post will be continually updated with the links to all of the Daily Bible Reading Plans for Kids available on The Mama Mission.
The next Daily Bible Reading Plan for Kids due to release: The Book of Genesis, Part 1.